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COVID-19 Update 03-06-2020

(COVID-19)Novel Coronavirus Update Global LERP Response

Online John Hopkins CSSE Coronavirus Dashboard

WHO Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) website

US CDC 2019-nCoV webpage

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Novel coronavirus in China page 

As the global rate of infection surpassed 98,000 cases, the world’s leading WHO health official implored the international community to unleash the full power of their governments to combat the new coronavirus outbreak. In the meantime, the numbers have swelled, with the world on track to reach the milestone of 100,000 cases. Officials reported 98,704 global cases of Covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, and more than 3,383 deaths in at least 15 countries.

China, still the worst-hit nation, reported 143 new cases and 30 new deaths Friday, far lower than just a few weeks ago. But South Korea’s total neared 6,593 with 42 deaths, as its officials chided Japan for imposing “unreasonable” new travel restrictions.

The United States announced its 12th death and several states announced their first positive tests, including Maryland. The U.S. now has more than 200 cases, while a cruise ship carrying some 2,500 passengers is being held off the California coast for coronavirus testing. Additionally, California, Maryland and Washington have each declared a state of emergency. The Senate voted to approve $8.3 billion in emergency spending, but concerns remain about how far the outbreak will stretch the system. 

Houston Metro Area (Home Office). Health officials in the Houston area reported two likely cases of coronavirus late on Thursday, bringing the total to five probable cases in the region, all of them in patients who had recently traveled to Egypt in a group. Both instances reported Thursday eveningconcern men between the ages of 60 and 70. One man, who lives in Houston, was experiencing mild symptoms while isolated at home, officials said. The other, who has been hospitalized and is in stable condition, lives nearby in an unincorporated part of Harris County, Tex. More positive cases are expected to be announced in the coming days, according to Harris County Public Health Officials.

Italy’s Civil Protection Agency reported an additional 41 deaths from coronavirus late Thursday, taking the total to 148. More than 3,858 people have been infected in Europe’s worst-hit country, which announced 7.5 billion euros ($8.40 billion) in aid Thursday – twice as much as originally planned – to tackle the outbreak. Italy has adopted the most drastic measures in response to the coronavirus in Europe so far. Schools and universities are closed until at least March 15, football fans are not allowed in stadiums to watch matches, and more people are being encouraged to work from home.

Elsewhere in Europe, France recorded 138 additional cases Thursday, its biggest daily increase, bringing the number of infected people in the country to 423. One French lawmaker is in intensive care after being diagnosed with the virus. In Germany, authorities said 109 new cases were confirmed on Thursday, taking the total to 349.

The Iranian Ministry of Health has confirmed 3513 coronavirus (COVID-19) cases on Friday, March 6, while the death toll stands at 107. On Wednesday, March 4, President Hassan Rouhani stated that the virus had reached nearly all of Iran's provinces. Additionally, Iran’s former ambassador to Syria, Hossein Sheikholeslam, reportedly died of the novel coronavirus. That same day the government canceled all Friday prayers in all provincial capitals,almost 60,000 mosque, due to the outbreak. 

The number of confirmed cases in India rose to 31 on Friday, hours after schools were ordered closed in the capital, Delhi, a city of 19 million. Delhi’s first case was recorded on Tuesday after a resident who had recently traveled to Italy returned last week. Panic was sparked after it was revealed that he had thrown a large birthday party for his child after his return. By Thursday, the Delhi government ordered all public and private primary schools to close until the end of the month, forcing some two million students to stay home. The virus is forcing many Indians to miss out on one of the country’s most important festivals, Holi. Prime Minister Narendra Modi took to Twitter this week to urge citizens to cancel their Holi gatherings and to practice social isolation more generally.

Health officials in the UK confirmed the first coronavirus (COVID-19)-related fatality in the country on Thursday, March 5. The individual was admitted to the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading on Wednesday, March 4, and had underlying health conditions. As of Thursday evening (local time), the National Health Service (NHS) has confirmed 116 COVID-19 cases across the country. Self-quarantine measures are in place as of Thursday for travelers returning from multiple countries. Individuals who have returned from Iran, Hubei province (China), lockdown areas in northern Italy, and Daegu and Cheongdo (South Korea) within the past 14 days are being asked to self-quarantine, even if they are not showing symptoms. Travelers who are showing symptoms who have returned to the UK from mainland China, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Japan, Laos, Macao, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and South Korea within the past 14 days should also stay indoors and avoid contact with other people. Individuals showing symptoms of COVID-19 are being asked to avoid going to a general practitioner or hospital and to use the NHS 111 online service here

Qantas Airways announced on Friday, March 6, that it will be canceling several international flights amidst falling demand due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. The affected routes include flights to Tokyo, Sapporo, Osaka, Hong Kong, and Auckland. Previously, the airline also suspended direct flights from Sydney to Shanghai and Beijing from Monday, 9 February, until Sunday, March 29.As of March 6, Australia's Department of Health has confirmed at least 59 cases of COVID-19 with 2 fatalities reported nationwide. A travel ban issued by the Australian government for individuals arriving from China, South Korea, and Iran remains in place as of Thursday, March 5.

The Greek government announced the closure of schools and banned public gatherings at theatres, cinemas, museums, and sporting events for 48 hours in the western regions of AchaiaIleia, and the island of Zakynthos on Thursday, March 5, in order to limit the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). The measures were announced after an individual with the virus was hospitalized inPatras. As of Thursday, the Ministry of Health has confirmed at least 31 cases of COVID-19 nationwide. Health officials are expecting a significant rise in cases following an increase of 21 new infections on Thursday alone. 

Financial worries escalated, as global markets fell sharply following another selloff on Wall Street.

Due to the ongoing outbreak, CDC recommends that travelers avoid all nonessential travel to Iran and China. Entry of foreign nationals from these destinations has been suspended. The public health agency has issued the following travel guidance related to COVID-19:


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