News & Updates for Tangipahoa Parish

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Heavy Rain Update - Monday, October 4th 6 AM

Click HERE, HERE, and HERE for an update concerning the heavy rain threat today and Tuesday.


WHAT: MARGINAL RISK of Heavy Rainfall.

WHEN: Today through Tuesday.

WHERE: Generally along and east of I-59 and across parts of southeastern LA today, shifting east to coastal Mississippi on Tuesday.

CONFIDENCE: We are confident there will be numerous showers and thunderstorms across central and eastern parts of the area today and tomorrow, with some storms producing areas of minor flooding.


  • High rainfall rates could lead to ponding of water in low-lying areas and some potential for localized flash flooding.

  • The threat of ponding or localized flooding will be greater in areas where debris from Hurricane Ida continues to block normal drainage

Additional Information and Resources:

NWS New Orleans Website:

NWS New Orleans DSS Website:

River Gauges and Forecasts:

NWS New Orleans Facebook:

NWS New Orleans Twitter:

Online Weather Reporting:

Request for information:

Please relay any reports of flash flooding to our office as soon as possible.  You can send reports via NWSChat or by phone.  If emailing pictures, please send them to:

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