ROV Announces: In Person Early Voting Finished For The April 24 Election
April 17, 2021
The Registrar of Voter’s has completed in person early voting for the April 24 election. It was a steady stream of voters all week and the mail ballots are continually rolling in. The deadline to return your mail ballot to our offices is 4:30 PM on Friday, 04/23/2021 by 4:30 PM.
Tangipahoa has received
- 1751 mail ballots returned so far and
- 2547 in-person early voters
For a total of 4345 voters for this April election.
38% of mail ballots that were sent have been returned and a little over 5% of our total registered voters have turned out so far.
Please visit our website, , to locate Election Day voting sites, view your sample ballot or find any election related information.
Andi L. Matheu
Registrar of Voters
Tangipahoa Parish