News & Updates for Tangipahoa Parish

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Situation Awareness Report

Situational Awareness Report

23 March 2020

As of 5:30 p.m.

State EOC Activation Level: Level III (Partial Activation)

WebEOC Incident: 20-008 Coronavirus – Statewide – 2020

State Declaration Proclamation Number: 25 JBE 2020

For Consolidated Information Sharing:

SITUATION: There is an expanding global outbreak of respiratory disease caused by a novel (new) coronavirus that was first detected in China and which has now been detected in more than 100 locations internationally, including in the United States. The virus has been named “SARS-CoV-2” and the disease it causes has been named “coronavirus disease 2019” (abbreviated “COVID-19”).

On March 14, 2020 Governor John Bel Edwards issued a Public Health Emergency. On March 22nd he issued a statewide Stay at Home Order that goes into effect at 5 pm on March 23, 2020, to further fight of spread of COVID-19 in Louisiana after the number of cases topped 800 and spread to over half the parishes.

· Click here to read the Governor’s statewide Stay at Home order.

· Click here to see graphics.

Gov. Edwards has issued a number of other orders designed to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in Louisiana and flatten the curve. They are:

· March 11: Original declaration of Public Health Emergency, restrictions

· March 13: Transportation, health care, administrative

· March 13: Proclamation moving Louisiana’s Elections

· March 14: Restrictions on establishments, closures, legal deadlines

· March 19: Education, health care, administrative

There are 1,172 cases of COVID-19 detected in Louisiana as of 3/23/20. (

STATE ACTIONS: All agencies are monitoring the situation and are ready to respond as needed.



· WebEOC Incident 20-008 Coronavirus – Statewide – 2020 created on 2/03/2020.

· Crisis Action Team activated on 3/09/2020.

o Level III Partial Activation 3/13/20.

· Coordinating Unified Command Meetings and Conference Calls as needed. 

ESF-01 DOTD Transportation

· Continues to monitor and participate in the Governor's UCG, COVID-19 Housing Task Force, Feeding Task Force and Region I Drive-Thru Testing site.

· Providing transportation/coordination for discharged individuals from identified Observation/Isolation sites.

o A total 8 discharged negative individuals were moved from Bayou Segnette site as of 3/21.

ESF-02 Communications

· State communications system (LWIN) and all commercial communication systems operating normally.

· Bayou Segnette State Park

o 97 phones delivered to Bayou Segnette for voice/data.

o Quote for TV service at three state park locations received and approved by procurement. Request on hold while DCFS surveys the locations and determines how many lines of service are needed at each location.

· Chicot State Park - 100 phones delivered to GOHSEP and picked up by DCFS.

· Lake Bistineau State Park - 100 phones delivered to GOHSEP and picked up by DCFS.

ESF-03 DOTD Public Works

· Light set rental vendors have been uploaded to the File Library under the ESF-3 DOTD folder.

· Secretary Waiver Order - DOTD Disaster Relief for Vehicles Trucks and Loads 3-18-2020 has been signed and uploaded to WebEOC.

o Reference the DOTD LaGeaux site for this document as well as much more permitting information:

· District 02 (New Orleans) is providing barricades in support of traffic control and POD areas. 

· Districts 02, 61, and 62 are providing light sets to support the Bayou Segnette Observation/Isolation site.

· District 02 (Shreveport) is providing a portable variable message sign for LSP at Lake Bistineau.

· District 03 (Lafayette) provided a portable variable message sign to support the Observation/Isolation site at Bayou Chicot State Park.

ESF-04 Firefighting Urban

· Beginning 3/16, all SFM offices, will be closed to the public. Operations and electronic communications for Plan Review, Inspections and Licensing, that ordinarily occur through the SFM’s Information Management System (IMS), should continue. 

· Final inspection schedules remain unaffected, non-critical annual, maintenance and licensing fire safety inspections are being postponed. Investigation response remains unaffected.

· Postponed all training classes scheduled through the month of March.

· The SFM is supporting 3 fire departments with Personal Protective Equipment for operations.

· Planning for needed firefighter backfill.

· SFM deputies assessed four sites on 3/19 for medical surge use.

· Bayou Segnette site is fully set up with firefighting capabilities

· Wrap-around services are complete at Chicot State Park and Lake Bistineau and awaiting residents.

· Deputies are assisting with DPS compound temperature checks.

· SFM is directing fire departments/districts to WebEOC for PPE logistics support and coordinating emergency PPE stock to respond.

· Continuing to provide managerial support to joint shelter management team at Bayou Segnette, Lake Bistineau and Chicot State Parks.

· Scaled-down IMT functioning at HQ throughout the weekend to limit interactions.

· Acquired a healthy cache of PPE for deputies and FD’s in need.

· Preparing to assist with 2-3 deputies to conduct temperature checks at LPB ahead of governor’s show there Monday evening.

· SFM will be increasing home fire safety messaging this week to both provide families the guidance to check their homes for fire hazards and educate families on fire prevention efforts like smoke alarm checks and at-home fire drill/escape plans.

· Transitioning more employees to “work from home” setups 3/23.

· Two deputies scheduled to conduct temperature scans at LPB today from 1:30p-7p ahead of governor’s statewide broadcast.

· Considering issuing statewide burn ban today 3/23.

· Continuing missions at surge shelters, DPS complex entry and PPE logistics for fire service 3/23.

ESF-05 Culture, Rec, and Tourism

· Bayou Segnette State Park in Westwego is closed to the public.

· All state museum facilities temporarily closed can be found on WebEOC or

· Welcome centers that are temporarily closed can be found on WebEOC or

ESF-06 DCFS Mass Care

· Continuing to monitor and participate in the Governor's UCG, COVID-19 Task Force, COVID-19 Logistics TF, and COVID-19 Housing Task Force calls.

· Foster families were contacted to provide current COVID-19 CDC information and will continue to provide updates as necessary.

· DCFS is contacting vendors for availability if needed for any wrap around services. Validating inventory of shelter supplies located in Southeast Louisiana.

· DCFS has partially activated select DCFS EOC Staff; placed on Standby Shelter Forward Teams in New Orleans, Covington, and Baton Rouge regions; and the Alexandria Mega Shelter staff.

· Working with GOHSEP, LDH, and other partners on other possible sheltering options. Monitoring Orleans and LHC homeless housing situations.

· DCFS has implemented a 100% work from home policy for the New Orleans region and reducing workforce on site in all other offices around the state.

· Isolation Sites as of 3/23

o Bayou Segnette Isolation Site - As of 12:00 pm there are (18) patients.

o Bayou Chicot Isolation Site - As of 12:00 pm there is (1) patient on site.

o Lake Bistineau Isolation Site - As of 12:00 pm there are (0) patients on site.

o Bayou Chicot and Lake Bistineau Isolation Sites continue to receive RVs building capacity.

· WebEOC Shelter Manager is continuously updated as population changes and capacity is built.

· Isolation and Observation Site Report is posted in the File Library under ESF-06 DCFS at 12:00 pm and 12:00 am daily.

· EOC is fully activated for 24 hour support 3/23.

· SEOC desk is activated for the day shift. Night shift is covered by the EOC 3/23.

ESF-06 Elderly Affairs

· The Councils on Aging will close Senior Centers and Meal Sites effective 3/16.

· Agencies will provide meals to participants but have suspended other center activities.

· Medical Transportation and regular transportation will continue.

· Working with resources to establish a plan for long term service delivery.

ESF-06 LWC Mass Feeding

· LWC and GOSHEP staff are conducting the daily Feeding Task Force conference call, to look at feeding that being conducted by school districts and Councils on Aging.

· Also looking at food distribution being conducted by the Food Banks.

ESF-06 Salvation Army

· Participating in state coordination calls with GOHSEP and Mass Feeding Task Force.

· Monitoring local emergency management requests or needs for service delivery.

· Monitoring the needs of homeless population utilizing Salvation Army resources and providing these citizens with awareness of COVID-19 CDC and state precautions and guidelines.

· Implementing COVID-19 CDC and state precautionary protocols with staff, clients and volunteers. All Salvation Army facilities are operating utilizing key personnel in order to continue to provide social and direct services to clients.

· Salvation Army facilities and locations visit

ESF-06 Veterans Affairs

· LDVA is following the attached protocols in our five LDVA veteran homes, where nearly 730 employees care for more than 670 residents.

o All veteran homes continue a No-Visitation Policy, with special immediate family allowances being made at the discretion of each home’s Long-Term Care Administrator for end-of-life hospice resident visits, with rigorous medical screening of those family members prior to each entry into our facilities.

o Residents' family members may no longer take our Veterans out of our homes on pass or therapeutic leave, nor are we allowing the handful of veterans across our homes who still drive to leave the facilities. Non-compliance or any departure from the facility of a veteran resident with any family members or friends will mean that those residents will be discharged until this public health emergency ends or until considered safe by the medical staff at the facility.

o In all five homes, we have drilled the scenario of a positive COVID-19 case arising in our home, as well as continuing to house a positive COVID-19 resident in our home, should the hospitals so direct.

· Veterans Benefits Offices:

o All 74 LDVA-staffed veterans benefits (parish service) offices and claims offices ARE CLOSED AS OF MONDAY MORNING 3/23/20, under the Governor's Stay at Home order.

o Emergency veterans benefits questions to our headquarters line will be handled on an individual basis with referrals to staff in each particular state region.

· Veteran Cemeteries:

o LDVA cemeteries AS OF MONDAY, 3/23/20, are now performing ONLY CASKETED DIRECT BURIALS (with no committal services or family observance of those burials) and basic maintenance of the cemetery grounds.

o Cemetery phones are being answered by the cemetery staff and burial eligibility letters can continue to be processed and go out.

o Individuals can visit their loved ones' gravesite, but must practice social distancing.

· LDVA's newest veterans cemetery in Jennings is postponing opening of admin office building as well as beginning of scheduling interments until at least May 1st at this time.

· LDVA Veteran Home protocals can be found on WebEOC.

ESF-07 LA Business EOC

· National Business EOC Dashboard is activated.

o Dashboard has links to current CDC, FEMA, and other state resources.


· Parishes that are considering curfews should consider spell out waivers for retail deliveries which are currently occurring primarily at night. This will alleviate causing further supply chain issues.

· CISA has issued Guidance on Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers During COVID-19. This document does not carry the weight of law but is set as guidance to preserve national capacity in critical areas of business.

· CDC Private Sector Outreach webinar

o slow spread, grow medical and production capacity, and cannot predict when this will end or when restrictions will be lifted.

· Information on business closures is attached in the WebEOC File Library.

· US Chamber of Commerce has activated the Disaster Help Desk to assist businesses affected by COVID-19. See for further information.

· The UL Center for Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity (CCIC) is warning of the potential for increase cyber-attacks during this event as more people work remotely.


· Small Business Administration Loan Assistance press release and handout has been uploaded to File Library.

· CDC, OSHA, and other state planning guides have been uploaded to the File Library.

· State official travel to New Orleans in support of response is encouraged to go through They have made special lodging arrangements for responders. Point of contact is

ESF-08 LDH Public Health/Medical

· CDC COVID-19 Key Points and LDH SitReps can be found in the WebEOC File Library.

· Continuing to forward guidance and information to Community Partners, Sister Agencies and Parish Health Units. Fielding calls from healthcare facilities and general public concerning COVID19.

· Region 8 is instituting screening for s/s of Covid19 of employees prior to entering the building 03/23/20. Leadership will be identifying Essential Staff today and other employees will be told to stay at home.

· LDH Office Updates:

o LDH has distributed guidance to its employees regarding telework, leave information, and teleconferencing.

o LDH has distributed notices to agency’s safety coordinators/officers and LDH locations regarding appropriate screening methods for employees.

o All of MVA (Medicaid) locations except Region 1 and 4 are open and limiting access to employees only (visitors not allowed) and those able to work from home are doing so.

o OPH is currently operating the Emergency Epi Response from Benson Towers (New Orleans) with approximately to 60 employees working there.

§ Benson and Bienville Employees who can work from home are doing so.

§ The OPH lab is fully staffed in Baton Rouge

§ Public Health Units are all open and staffed and providing critical services to clients, i.e. WIC, STD/VIV testing, and Reproductive Health.

§ Sanitarians and Engineers are providing services to the public, but are not working from any building.

o Most of the OAAS staff are working from home. About 15 staff across the state still in the office to take care of mail, answer phones, etc. while awaiting cell phones and/or getting IT assistance with printers.

o LERN Communication Center remains fully operational and is monitoring for exposure concerns.

§ LERN is communicating new pertinent information concerning COVID 19 to regional commissions, regional stakeholders, and the public as information is provided.

§ LERN is working with hospitals and ESF-8 partners on ICU capacity monitoring and reporting. ICU Reports being used by Communication Center to assist in transfers.

§ LERN is working with LDH and ESF-8 regarding hospital decompression planning and is setting up operations for hospital decompression support.

· Hospital Capacity

o Overall, the state’s hospitals have capacity remaining to absorb new patients.

§ Staffed beds increased slightly from yesterday by 0.25% to 22,016 today. There are 10,320 beds available.

§ Available beds are essentially the same as yesterday.

§ The state’s hospitals are currently using 53.1% of their operating beds.

o Overall, the state’s hospitals have capacity remaining to absorb new patients that may require negative pressure isolation rooms.

§ Negative Pressure Isolation bed capacity increased by 24 beds from yesterday.

§ Out of a total 903 negative pressure beds, there are 420 beds of this type available.

§ As hospitals adjust their bed inventory to comply with recent guidance, the overall number of these types of beds is remaining relatively stable.

§ The hospitals increased their total negative pressure bed capacity, resulting in use of 53.5% of today’s negative pressure operating bed inventory.

o Ventilator availability increased slightly over yesterday. There was a 1.85% increase in the available ventilator inventory.

§ Hospitals have 74.1% of their reported inventory available for use this morning.

§ There are 1961 available ventilators.

· Nursing Homes have implemented the following measures regarding COVID -19

o Visitors are not allowed in the nursing facilities at this time, and employees are being screened on each shift.

o In-facility deliveries are prohibited.

o Nursing Homes are feeding residents in their rooms, prohibiting communal gathering of residents, and practicing the recommended spacing

· Homelessness Task Force activated.

· Inspection teams made up of OPH Sanitation, SFM Inspectors, and LANG continue inspecting locations for possible surge facilities.

· Isolation Sites

o Bayou Segnette has 16 current patients and 2 pending. There are currently 8 cabins available and 7 occupied cabins. There are 98 RV’s.

o Medical Support staff have been identified and scheduled to report to Chico State Park and Lake Bistineau upon patient arrivals.

o As of 1250 on 3.23- 2 patients en route to Bayou Segnette

§ 1 patient discharged and staff received notice of 1 upcoming discharge.

· As of 7:00 am 3/22, Louisiana 211 has serviced 13,487 calls seeking information on COVID-19 and 23,191 mobile users have texted LACOVID.

· LA 211 has been experiencing longer than average wait times due to the high demand and has taken the following measures to help reduce inconvenient wait times to better serve callers:

o Training and adding more call specialist on the phone lines.

o Encouraging “call back” option which allows for callers to receive an immediate call back when the first specialist comes available.

o Providing callers the option to hear the information they want without waiting

o United Way 211 contact center (serving 50% of population) has restructured voice/auto attendant options to give callers options to press a # to hear specific information on very high demand questions.


· All Emergency Response personnel will continue to respond to emergency incidents.

· All non-emergency inspections have been postponed.

· The Single Point of Contact (SPOC) section will continue receiving and routing emergency and non-emergency notifications throughout the Department.

· Citizen complaints will continue to be investigated with staff taking necessary safety precautions.

· Agency face-to-face meetings will be replaced by conference calls.

· Conferences and travel have been cancelled.

· The Department has implemented its Telecommuting Plan.

· LDEQ has met with the Department of Corrections and LSU concerning production of hand sanitizer at Hunt Correctional.

o The Department will provide air monitoring support during manufacturing process.

o A small test batch of hand sanitizer was successfully prepared on 3/20.

o The first distributable quantities should be ready early in the week of 3/23 once the remainder of the components arrive.

· Amended Declaration of Emergency and Administrative Order signed by Secretary Brown on 3/20/2020 in WebEOC.

ESF-11 Department of Agriculture and Forestry

· Non-essential personnel assigned to telework.

· Inventory of supplies conducted.

· USDA food commodities are available in warehouses for distribution to school districts, food banks and feeding operations.

· Mobile pet shelters and support teams on standby.

· Pet resources and personnel are staged in coordination with LSART to support the quarantine operations at Bayou Segnette, Chico and Lake Bistineau State Parks.

· LSART VMRC on standby to support Veterinary medical care.

· LDAF is coordinating Emergency Fuel support.

o Recurring emergency fuel deliveries began 3/21 at the state park quarantine operations for portable light towers (Segnette, Chicot, and Bistineau) and for LSART veterinary support (Segnette and Chicot).

· Staffing both the ESF-11 Desk at the GOHSEP SEOC and the LDAF EOC.

· Supporting emergency fuel requests.

· LDAF and LSART supporting quarantine operations at Bayou Segnette, Chicot, and Lake Bistineau State Parks.


· LDH/OPH Safe Drinking Water Program continues to monitor the situation and review all guidance provided by the WHO, CDC, and the State.

· Coronavirus and Drinking Water and Wastewater:

· The CDC has provided important information on the potential for water and wastewater transmission of COVID-19:

o Additional information on this topic:

ESF-12 Public Service Commission

· The LPSC Executive Secretary has issued an Emergency Executive Order, dated 3/13/20, creating emergency suspension of disconnection of utility services under the declared State of Emergency/Public Health Emergency related to COVID-19.

o The Executive Order is attached in WebEOC, published on LPSC website,, and had been sent out to all regulated utilities.

· The monthly Business & Executive Session meeting of Commissioners, scheduled for 3/18, has been cancelled. All items that were to be discussed at this meeting would be moved to the April meeting.

ESF-13 Department of Corrections

· Discontinued all tours of the facilities and restricted all volunteer groups from entering the facilities.

· Distributed a Corona virus (COVID-19) screening checklist and implemented these at all facilities for all other persons entering.

· Actively obtaining an inventory of all PPE equipment and continuously attempting to obtain further orders, but due to the national demand this has been to no avail.

· Shared the employee screening form to the sheriffs as a reference in preparing to minimize the spread of COVID-19. 

· On 3/13, DCO discontinued offender visitation until further notice. All routine transfers from Orleans Parish Prison have been discontinued.

· All Pardon and Parole Board hearings have been postponed for the next 30 days.

· All non-medical or emergency transfers have been discontinued.

· Adjustments have been made to the janitorial cleaning of state buildings that our department services with offender labor including the time, which is planned now to take place after normal business hours with limited crews.

· Probation and Parole Academy postponed until further notice.

o They have suspended all jail sanctions and technical violations.

o They have discontinued jail visits, Office visits and field contact in affected areas.

o Will only see sex offenders, violent offenders and other offenders specialized and high risk cases.

· LA-DOC medical department at Headquarters received 600 viral-medium test for distribution throughout the department. Attempting to acquire/purchase 2000 rapid read Flu test to assist in testing offender population if they show signs and symptoms.

· All on-site specialty clinics at the facilities canceled to limit movement inside the facilities.

· LA-DOC has waived medical access co-payments for the offender population.

· The offender population will receive 2 free calls a week and 2 free stamps per week to hopefully bridge any gaps of communications with their families. 

· The LA-DOC IMC opened during normal business hours for a centralized hub for data collection.

· 3/18 LA-DOC has 11 employees combined (Prison, P&P) that are quarantined waiting test results. 

o 3 offenders tested on-site at facilities and 3 offenders tested while housed at local hospitals (all waiting results). 

· LA-DOC COVID-19 Testing

o As of 3/21 LA-DOC had a total of 18 offenders were tested for COVID-19. Received 5 negative results back and still have 13 pending.

o As of 3/21 a total of 26 Employees tested for COVID-19 with (2) positive.

§ 1 from Louisiana State Penitentiary and 1 from of David Wade Corr. Ctr.

§ Probation and Parole is preparing video training for all field employees in the proper donning and removal of PPE for infectious disease control in anticipation of being called upon to assist DOC in staffing high risk areas.

o As of 3/22, out of the 13 pending test for offenders, received 3 more negative results and still have 10 pending.

ESF-13 Department of Justice

· The Consumer Protection hotline is up and running and will take calls related to price gouging. 

ESF-13 Louisiana State Police

· Crisis Response was informed that Orleans and Jefferson Parishes are working toward mobile testing sites (drive-thru testing). LSP will assist with security if needed.

· Providing security for SNS at the Agriculture and Forestry Building in Baton Rouge.

o LSP is also providing escorts for the SNS packages.

· LSP continues to provide security at State Park Isolation Sites:

o Each site has 2 Troopers 24/7

o Bayou Segnette has 19 residents, including 2 positive results

o Chicot Park Isolation Site has 1 resident.

o Lake Bistineau has no residents at this time.

o No issues to report at any of the isolation sites.

· LSP is on standby to receive another SNS package.

· Gate security continues at the LSP/PSS HQ Compound along with body temperature checks via the Independence Blvd Entrance.

· LANG continues to man the East Airport Gate for truck deliveries only.

· Additional PPE supplies are being distributed to the troops 3/23.

ESF-13 Office of Juvenile Justice

· Secure Facilities

o Everyone (no exceptions) will be screened prior to coming into the facility.

§ If a person has fever, they will be immediately referred to the medical staff for further screening. Staff with a fever will only be allowed to enter the facility when cleared by medical.

o Youth visitation will not be held.

o All furloughs will be postponed. Staff will be encouraged to allow youth to use the telephones more frequently to contact family.

o All off campus group activities will also be postponed.

o Only OJJ staff and emergency visitors will be allowed on campus. Attorney visits will be held by phone call.

o Contractors working on repairs that are vital to the safety of the facility will be allowed on campus after screening. These will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Undersecretary Williams must be notified of any contractor denied access to the facility so that the Office of State Procurement can be notified.

o Immediate notification to the Assistant Secretary and Deputy Secretary if any staff or youth test positive for the virus.

o Facilitating deliveries at the front gate to eliminate the need for individuals to come onto campus.

o Staff will continue to educate youth on proper techniques to prevent the spread of the virus and why OJJ are taking these measures to keep them safe.

o All staff are considered essential employees and will be required to report to work as scheduled.

o School will continue to operate as normal.

o Staff who need to be off due to an inability to find child care will have to take leave unless an at home work accommodation can be approved.

o The Deputy Secretary and Undersecretary will examine each request to work from home. This request shall be submitted prior to allowing the at home accommodation.

· Probation and Parole

o Face-to-Face contacts can now be made by phone or in the office if possible.

o Contact with collateral sources can also be made by phone. (Schools, providers, etc.)

o Staff will attend Court only when necessary.

o Face-to-Face contacts will still be made with youth in residential facilities.

o Probation staff have the ability to work from home and will be allowed to have an at home accommodation.

o Each Regional Manager shall ensure that their office is covered relative phone coverage, mail, fax, etc… to continue daily operations.

o A supervisor shall be present to deal with any emergencies or issues related to the youth OJJ serves.

o While staff are approved to work from home, leave will have to be taken when they are unable to dedicate their time to the operation of OJJ.

o Each office will maintain a list of staff who may need to respond for transports or any other emergencies.

o RMs will ensure Court is covered when necessary.

· Residential Facilities

o Screening of staff and visitors needs to occur for every person coming onto the campus.

o Only essential staff/visitors will be allowed on campus.

o Home passes will be postponed. Staff should allow the youth to use phones to keep in touch with family members.

o Visitation will not be held.

o Group outings will be canceled unless youth are required to attend community schools.

o Immediate notification to the Assistant Secretary and Deputy Secretary if any staff or youth test positive for the virus.

o Staff will continue to educate youth on proper techniques to prevent the spread of the virus.

o Immediate notification to Assistant Secretary and Deputy Secretary should a staff person or youth test positive for the virus.

· In home Contract Programs

o Program specialists will reach out to each program to request a copy of their contingency plan to provide services in a safe and effective manner.

o ­­The plans will be approved on a case-by-case basis and shared with regional staff.

· Central Office

o All staff are considered to be essential employees and will be required to report to work as scheduled.

o Staff who need to be off due to an inability to find child care will have to take leave unless an at home work accommodation can be approved.

o The Deputy Secretary and Undersecretary will examine each request to work from home. This request shall be submitted prior to allowing the at home work accommodation.

o Central Office staff may be deployed to assist at an event, at a facility or elsewhere related to OJJ should the need arise. This includes staff who have an at home work accommodation.

· Requested 50 test swabs 3/20.

o Received 15 test swabs at Bridge City Center for Youth 3/21. 

· Requested 1500 PPE Overalls 3/23.

ESF-14 Louisiana Housing Commission

· LDHTF was activated in response to Governor Edwards request to plan for homeless and vulnerable populations.

o Currently on stand-by pending identification of additional needs.

· LHC is coordinating with regional homeless coalitions to identify supply needs.

· LHC continues to assess available resources that could potentially be considered for housing solutions as needed.

· LHC is staffing case management and discharge

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