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Weekly Weather Briefing Slides - August 11, 2022

Click  HERE to view slides for today's 2pm weekly weather briefing.

Main Takeaways:

  • Tropics
    • Tropical wave east of the islands becoming less likely to develop as the environment becomes unfavorable. 
    • Outside o this wave, overall things remain quiet through the next five days. 
  • Excessive Rain
    • Excessive rainfall possible into the weekend. Localized flooding will also remain possible, especially in urbanized and other flood-prone areas. 
    • Less T'storm coverage expected into the start of the new workweek
  • Coastal Flooding
    • Spring tides should continue to decrease into the weekend. The Coastal Flood Advisory expires at 7 pm this evening. 

Today's weekly weather briefing:

Previous Article Press Release - Road Work 8/11/22
Next Article Tropical Weather Update - Aug 12, 2022
CategoryEmergency Updates

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