News & Updates for Tangipahoa Parish

Voter Registration Week in Louisiana

SuperUser Account 0 4463

Voter Registration Week is August 23 – August 27 and the Tangipahoa Registrar of Voters office is looking for the opportunity to go out into the parish and assist people with getting registered to vote or updating[...]

TPG Cites Two For Illegal Dumping Into Washley Creek

SuperUser Account 0 4845

ROBERT—Thanks to a concerned citizen and the investigative efforts of the Tangipahoa Parish Code Enforcement team, the Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Office, and agents with the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, a local creek has been cleared of approximately 100 tires that were dumped in that waterway by a local man.

Tangipahoa Parish President Robby Miller said a citizen complaint led Code Enforcement Officers to begin an investigation into an illegal dump site on[...]

Road Work Update For Week of August 2-6, 2021

SuperUser Account 0 4298

AMITE—Hollywood South continues to feature Tangipahoa locations, including a portion of LA 16 between Duncan Avenue and LA 1054, which will be closed intermittently on Tuesday, Aug. 3, for movie production. Tangipahoa Parish President Robby Miller said Amite City Police will be on-site to monitor and[...]


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